Sunday 20 November 2022



This blog today called PRIZED is about a hidden and often unknown Presence 

that resides within us all. This Presence exists within every human being upon this

planet, and is mostly completely unknown  to us. There is a verse in the BIBLE where

GOD talks to a follower, and says the following "I am closer to YOU than your hands

and feet, and you KNOW me NOT!" This Presence of Divinity is closer to you than

the atoms and cells within your body, in TRUTH there is ZERO DISTANCE between

you and this Divine holy Presence  "and we know it not".

The Presence is "The Silent Watcher of all our day upon this Earth" waiting patiently

for a glimmer of recognition of its presence by us. Waiting for us to look within ourselves

and see what lies beneath this FACADE of form the human body.

PRIZED is about us understanding this ;presence within us, and thereby looking within 

ourselves to try and establish some inner contact with this holy presence.

Humanity is presented in a three fold expression which is physical, mental, and spiritual 

we all mostly are familiar with the first two expressions of physical and mental, but so 

many  of us our unfamiliar with the spiritual aspect of our being. By taking up 

meditation or yoga we can begin  to tune into our inner SELF, which is that of the 

spiritual , we all our in ESSENCE SPIRIT, the spiritual is the outer  expression of 

our inner reality of being from that of spirit clothed in a material physical embodiment.

To gain the  PRIZE of our true being , we need to look within ourselves and see that

holy presence that lies within us all.

We are never ALONE or FORGOTTEN, we are always "within the PRESENCE of

Divinity" just open your heart and mind and thereby find it NOW within YOUR SELF!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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