Friday 11 November 2022



This blog today entitled SKIP is about that if we SKIP this most important thing

which is to know who and what we truly are, we then condemn ourselves to remain

in ignorance of the truth of our immortal identity. The sad thing about full self 

knowing is that mullions of us go through our entire life time without ever knowing

who they really are. This blog SKIP is really about drawing our attention to the FACT

that each hum an being on this planet Earth is in truth a Divine Immortal Soul. And it

beholds us to make sure that we go within ourselves and reveal this most relevant truth

about the nature of who and what we really are.

Soul Realization is the most important thing you will ever realize within this life time

all other factors pale into insignificance compared with knowing the truth about who you

really are. 

Self ignorance keeps millions bound to the lash of endless life times searching for the 

answer to our life. All of us can easily take up meditation and begin our journey inwards,

here within us we will make contact with our INTUITION, our intuition is that personal

guru who resides within you. Your intuition will lead you into the way of full self knowing.

We all have this "still small voice" within us, many of us only come across this inner 

voice when we are in a crisis. Then that voice offers us words of hope and comfort.

When we go within ourselves we will find through contact with our intuition the opening

up to the awareness of our higher self.

When that occurs we are only a small step away from revealing that Divine Soul that 

resides within the core of our being.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and fiends Thanks.

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