Monday 14 November 2022



This blog today entitled OSMOSIS is about how Absolute Transcendent Spirit emerges

through the MEMBRANE that separates the Absolute from the relative universe.

For Absolute Spirit (GOD) to enter into relativity it needs to be clothed in relative

etheric awareness energy, these are the five koshas that are the birth of what we call a 

SOUL being. Spirit has to press through the membrane and then become clothed in

etheric substance. This point of INTENTION pushes through the membrane that 

separates the absolute from the relative , but always remains connected into the stillness

of the absolute. This connection is never broken OSMOSIS is about how all LIFE (motion)

pushes through the membrane but always remains rooted within it , contact is never broken.

This applies to all of humanity , at the core of every human being lies the pure spirit of the

Absolute SOURCE of ALL.

We are always connected to the SOURCE , the SOURCE is Transcendent  of LIFE and 

also existence it lies way beyond the concept of motion and relativity being UNBORN

and ETERNAL. All life being expressed is relative but all life is connected to SOURCE

which includes the humble EARTH WORM , and the majestic EAGLE.

All life is relative in expression but eternal at its core of being, including the humble

earth worm.

SPIRIT SEEPS through the membrane from the absolute ocean of Pure Spirit  and through

the principle of OSMOSIS has been given the five koshas of motioning expression to be able

to collect valuable tangible experiences of relative expression within a planetary system.

Without the principle of OSMOSIS we would not all be here alive and motioning through

our daily lives.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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