This blog today entitled SOAK is about asking the question of what exactly is a
soul? This blog today will try and answer this most vital question. Firstly we need
to try and understand the presentation expression sequence, that takes place for
PURE SPIRIT to become embodied and become able to exit the Absolute VOID
of NO-THINGNESS, and thereby gain access to this relative universe. This process
that takes place explains what a "SOUL" actually IS and what it consists of.
PURE SPIRIT (BRAHMAN/GOD) is Absolute and omnipresent. In order for its
essence to become tangible and relative , it needs to become condensed and contracted
into a relative format where it becomes "LOCALIZED" within the parameters of this
relative universe. This "ESSENCE" which was pure spirit then is "HELD" within a
singularity vortex and spun into a relative orbit to where it will emerge as a soul.
The SOUL amounts to five KOSHAS (sheaths coverings) layers of etheric energy
awareness which then clothe the pure spirit in a super fine "GOSSOMER" of etheric
energy. These layers of clothing for the spirit are what is called KOSHAS. The
human is presented into relative expression through Five Koshas (etheric clothing
for the spirit) what we call the soul is really and in truth just the covering KOSHA
which protects pure spirit from coming into direct contact with gross material matter.
What we call a soul is really just a name for the clothing spirit uses in order to gain
purchase into this dense physical realm of Earth, in order to experience tangible
expression and interactions The human physical body vehicle is the most dense
KOSHA and is the one that experiences the most intense interactions and feelings
of emotions. In truth there is only SPIRIT/GOD being expressed as what we call "LIFE".
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
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