This blog today called SOCKS is about the importance of coming to know who
you really are. We all live within a physical body, and so m any of us mistakenly
believe that this physical body is who you really are. This false belief is fostered
by our complete lack of education as to the true nature of our inner being. which
results in us being bogged down within a quagmire of total ignorance.
We need to all seek out consciously what is the inner nature of my being? Our
physical bodies are biological machine vehicles, a vehicle that plays host to an
indwelling soul who is the real you. By going within ourselves and taking up
meditation or yoga we can then begin to explore what lies beneath this physical
FACADE of form?
We all have an inner yearning to know things, we are naturally inquisitive and want
to learn about understanding life and its expression. This is a healthy curiosity about
how things are. But the most important question we can ever ask and know is who "WE"
truly are. What is our true inner nature? We will discover by looking within ourselves
that we are truly SOULS with bodies, the soul is the PRIMAL REALITY. the body is
only a vehicle for the soul to use while gathering experiences here on Earth.
We are all here to eventually fully know our true immortal nature, even though it
will take many long incarnations to do. We learn from our experiences and interactions
with other souls the true nature our our expression here on Earth, and we are all here to
fully know our SOUL SELF.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization
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