This blog today entitled AEON is about how energy (atomic excitation) came to
be born aloft an Primordial Intention Thought Wave, from within the Absolute Mind
of BRAHMAN. In the beginning was the Primordial Intention Thought wave which
arose within the Absolute Mind and brought forth motion from that of motionlessness.
Motion was the PRIMAL ESSENCE from which all LIFE arose from and how this
universe was brought into BEING. Within motion arose energy (atomic excitation)
of perpetual motion. What may be difficult to accept and understand is that this
primordial intention thought wave is "STILL CURRENT" that this intention wave
is "STILL ONGOING" even after billions of aeons long past. The INENTION
PROCESS has not yet been completed. When that intention ceases then this universe
will vanish in a blink of an eye, as though it had never been. This cycle has been called
by the ancient wisdom as days and nights of BRAHMAN, when there is a day then the
universe comes "ONLINE" when it withdraws its pulsation thought wave, the night of
Where the universe vanishes without a trace and all atomic excitation ceases. ALL LIFE
universally is motioned in atomic excitation on its outer expression, but at the core of all
life there lies total stillness and zero motion, this inner matrix is our connection to the
SOURCE of all which is PURE SPIRIT.
Perpetual motion which is that of atomic and sub atomic excitation is about how life
becomes expressed and motioned into being by intelligent ENERGY. which never stops
moving while the expression sequence is fully engaged. Only when the life expression
opens the inner door to stillness does the motion become still. Within the eternal stillness
reigns supreme.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.