Friday 18 November 2022



This blog today entitled SIMPLE is about the emergence of all life universally

and how all life emerges from the Absolute Singularity Matrix of the ONE Source.

"From the one came the many, and from the many came the ONE". Simple is

about understanding how all life which is "motioned spirit" cloaked within etheric 

energy, came to be presented universally as a DIVERSE expression of the ONE IDEA

within the Absolute mind of the SOURCE. It is sometimes difficult to get your head 

around the fact that this entire universe is made of just "ONE THING ONLY" and that

ONE THING is SPIRIT enclosed within etheric substance. All the stars and planets are

all the same thing, being expressed in an infinite diversity of expression .

Human beings all 8 billion of us are all 8 billion souls, but all that 8 billion in absolute

truth dissolve back into from whence it CAME which is the ONE SINGULAR Absolute

Spirit or SOURCE of ALL.

The many came from the ONE SOURCE and all return to that one Source eventually.

We all fall into the illusion that we are all individual beings separate and apart from 

the whole, but this is an illusion conjured up by our egos and the need to be a contained 

whole unit. Outwardly we all are localized self aware consciousness, but inwardly we

are all eternal unborn Spirit. "WE" are here to gain experience of tangible life being 

expressed in a diverse way. We each have our unique experiences of tangible life 

and each experience and incarnation is fed back into the SOURCE of all as a collective

expression of the whole SELF. which is the Singular Divine SPIRIT we call the SOURCE.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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