This blog today entitled MOIST is about how we can wet our appetite for self
knowingness by going within ourselves and taking up the practice of meditation.
Meditation is that most ancient science of self unifying within the wholeness of
the one being. When we begin the practice of meditation we are beginning to
venture into our inner self, which to many of us is an unknown entity.
Here within ourselves when we can let go of all thoughts, and enter into that
silence within, when we do that on a regular basis we soon begin to be aware of
an inner voice within us . This inner voice is that of our intuition, which is that
inner teacher our own personal GURU who will lead us into full self knowing if
we continue to venture inwards.
When we make conscious contact with our intuition we are then well on our way
to beginning to realize that there is another self here within us, this is our Higher
Self. The higher self when we discover it, will eventually lead us on into the further
discovery of that the higher self is really that of our Divine Immortal Soul . When
we discover this truth within us, we have become aware to who we really are.
We have then realized our SOUL SELF that has been hidden within you all of your
life. You will then see that you are an immortal being who is having a human
experience here on Earth.
When we realize this basic truth of our inner self , we are AWAKENED into a
greater reality. Our awareness and consciousness will expand and we will instinctively
know things that before awakening were completely unknown to us.
MOIST is about going within yourself and waking up to the truth of who you really
immortally are
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.