Wednesday 9 November 2022


  This blog today entitled WAVES looks at the question of what exactly does 

humanity consist of? Or to put it more simply, what is a human being? This 

question is the most basic question we could ever ask ourselves, that of who and

what am I really? We are all "expressed life" but the question is who and what are

we actually expressing? What lies beneath this FACADE of form we call the human

body? The truth is that we are all Souls with a body, and not a body with a soul, the

soul is the primal reality. The physical body we will find is only in truth a vehicle 

a vehicle for the soul to indwell within, while it gathers experience of tangible life

here on Earth. We are therefore all souls having a human experience here on Earth 

in order to know and understand the interactions of physical life and the experience 

of being a tangible solid body vehicle.

Because we mistakenly mistake our physical vehicle for being who we really are , we

therefore think that the physical is who you really are, we identify with the vehicle as 

being who we really are, this level of ignorance is truly outstanding. Millions of us

firmly believe that they are the "real deal" that physically is our reality.

Imagine if you started identifying with your car you drive to work in, saying that 

your car is really YOU! What do you think would be the effect of this mistaken 

identification? You might  be taken into care for your mental health problem.

But see that there is a direct parallel with this way of thinking, and the way we 

think our vehicles the human body is who you really are!

We are all souls with a physical vehicle , look within yourself and reveal this 

truth for yourself.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates  within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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