Saturday 17 October 2020


 All phenomena arises from within the noumenon, that means that everything within this

universe arises from just ONE CAUSE which is the noumenon from which all familiar 

things arise which we call phenomena. Phenomena cannot exist without the ever present

invisible noumenon, All life arises from within the SOURCE of all life, we all our the aspects

of the SOURCE diversified into a myraid of differing shapes and sizes.

When we use the prefix I AM to denote that this is you a person talking to you, we are using

the two most powerful words that exist in all manifestation anywhere in this universe. This

whole universe was brought about by a single INTENTION of the INFINITE-ABSOLUTE

MANIFESTOR, which spells out those two absolute dynamically powerful words of "I AM"

do you honestly believe that those two most powerful words ever uttered within this universe

and said by YOU dear reader of this blog when you say I AM John or MARY is merely a 

COINCIDENCE??  Those same two words that were uttered to MOSES at the burning bush

incident in the Bible, when Moses askes GOD whom shall I say sent me? GOD replied tell them

that "I AM" sent you, Is there not a very interesting and intriguing  parallel  between what GOD

told Moses his name WAS I AM, and the prefix you dear reader of this blog use when you say I

am so in so? Ponder on this, it will open up much more than you think.

We as human beings are vehicles that all carry the life principle within its matrix, when we say those

magic words I AM we are using the same two words that the Absolute SOURCE of all LIFE used

to manifest this universe from the noumenon which was the INTENTION within its absolute 

Infinite mind, and also told Moses who it was that of I AM sent you, we use those two identical

words every day of our life here on Earth ,and NEVER ever see the CONNECTION THERE!

Are we so blind that we cannot see what is before us, and what's more within us?

In part two will explore this much further.  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates with you then please share it with your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. We ALL ARE absolute BEING having a relative experience as a projected entity wrapped up in material flesh and bone.
