Wednesday 28 October 2020

Flow Of Incarnate Life Expressing Divinity. F O I L E D .

 Mankind has been foiled by the belief that death is the end of life as we know it, when in fact

death is an illusion  conjured up by false teachings and our own ignorance of who and what

we really are. We have been foiled and fooled into believing that we are just mortal beings

who live for four score and ten years then die and disappear into oblivion. Its time we set aside

these foolish and childish fears of death and endings, we are in truth all immortal beings, and

are all here on Earth to know and realise this truth, and the way that we realise this truth of our

immortality is by gathering many experiences over many life time incarnations upon this Earth

plane. We flow in and out of incarnation within a seamless sequence of natural law which operates

with perfect precision and always places us in exactly the right situation that we need in order to

bring about this eventual realisation of our true immortal nature. This cannot be achieved within

one physical life time, therefore infinite wisdom has facilitated a sequence of events and holding

areas (astral plane) that will permit a seamless transition from physical expression onto astral

expression and back to physical expression. Within and around our physical body we also have 

an etheric body and also an astral body, we have other finer expressions than these two, but will

ignore those for now. The two most important bodies along with the physical are the astral and

etheric bodies. Because of our vast ignorance of who and what we really are, we fail to  realise

that each one of us travels within the astral realm evert night when you go to sleep,  we are each

attached to our astral body by what is often termed as a silver cord  and this silver cord keeps us

attached to our physical body while we go gathering experiences within the astral realm, the cord

can stretch into infinity and back distance is an illusion within this realm, it is impossible to over

stretch the silver cord, it cannot ever arise, the only time this umbilical cord is severed is when we

exit our vehicles (DIE) then the cord snaps and we then become full time residents within the astral

realm, and return back to Earth is not possible, until a period of rest and reflection on our last visit

to Earth, and we can then phase out of the astral and become reincarnated upon the Earth and 

thereby live and develop another ego and personality, and gather more experiences.

In part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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