Monday 19 October 2020


 "WE" all our SELF, what does this mean? Is the self the ego-mind  and personality, or is it 

something entirely different? These are thought provoking questions indeed, this blog will

hopefully unfold some answers to these very deep questions. Our sense of I AM is the self

this self was in evidence long before it got coloured by our adding experiences into the equation.

Before the rising of the ego mind and personality, the self was evident, the I AM is an eternal

infinite reality, which being eternal has never had a beginning or will never experience any

ending, what has a beginning is what we term as personality, ego, mind, individuality, all these

additions were acquired at the birth of our I AM self aware consciousness, prior to that birth

of our I AM self aware consciousness, "we" were absent of the  "I" this did not exist within us

then,, When we evolved into the state of being SELF CONSCIOUSNESS, this magic ingredient

was added to our physical matrix the "I"  AM self aware consciousness was born within us.

We need to try and understand that "WE" are all infinite eternal BEING =SELF, which also

translates as that of GOD, or infinite being, we all our infinite being, notice that the letter S is

missing from the word BEING this is because there is ONLY ONE BEING that resides within

reality, one infinite BEING, absolute and eternal or just GOD for short.

When 'we' came online and acquired I AM self consciousness we immediately began to colour

the SELF our inner true being with a myraid of experiences, these multiple experiences we all 

engage in act like a filter or a prism that deflect our attention away from our inner self, we become

absorbed with the outer world, and therefore loose sight of the inner world, and because of this

distraction of experiences and continuing to forever gaze outwards, we then begin to build up

a picture which then presents itself to you as a pseudo SELF, which takes on a character of which

we all call our personality, which then builds up what we term as an ego which then manifests 

as what we think we are that of an individual with a mind. All these additions are false in that

they do not reflect the real YOU the SELF, what they reflect is solely the content of all your 

experiences gathered in this particular life incarnation. Our true immortal inner self is coloured

by our gathering of experiences, so that we begin to loose sight completely of who we really are

and the start living a pseudo so called personality life instead.

In part two will explore this more deeply.       Regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. The real SELF forever shines within us, just as the solar sun forever shines what darkens our inner self, is the experiences we encounter and allow these to keep us focused outwards, instead of looking within.
