Wednesday 21 October 2020

Vortex Of Inner Consciousness Enfolding Divinity. V O I C E D .

 Consciousness unexpressed is absolute and ubiquitous, in quantum science terms consciousness

unexpressed is that of being NON-LOCALE , when consciousness is contracted  and placed into

a vortex, a violent whirlpool  it then ceases to being non locale and becomes localised within a 

singularity point which exits into this relative realm as that of a human baby, which then acquires

at the age of around two years old the faculty we now call the mind, which is born out of the 

being who at around the age of two years old acquires those magic two words of I AM that

then is the birth of what we call mind. The mind is always relative and finite, while consciousness

is always infinite. In order for consciousness to experience itself, it needs to become localised 

within a physical form, in our case it is the human physical body, which has a mind, which is

really contracted consciousness, consciousness that has become relative in appearance to the

one who is within the physical body, we each manifest our minds out of our experiences from 

birth, our memories our interactions with our parents and family build up a memory which then

at around two years old this memory coalesces into what we call our ego, our personality, which

then leads onto the idea of us being an individual who has an ego,  hat has likes and dislikes

we want to get our own way ,hence the temper tantrums that  small children exhibit.

Our minds are really a relative finite echo of universal infinite consciousness, and serve us while

incarnate ,then dissolve at death, consciousness however continues because even when we loose

our minds, we are still very much alive and aware also. We are all destined to loose our minds this

is part and parcel of evolution. We never loose consciousness because we ARE CONSCIOUSNESS

consciousness equates directly to LIFE to SPIRIT to SOUL we all are that which is eternal none

of us has ever experienced a beginning of life, nor will we ever experience an ending of life, we all

our eternal BEING. Notice that the word BEING is singular because there is only ONE BEING

therefore no S can be added  .We may not realise this or even accept this but we have all chosen to

come here ,in order to gain experience of relative duality based expression. 'WE' are all immortal

being having an relative experience  upon this planet Earth. If we can begin to refocus our gaze

inwards rather than forever outwards fascinated by our smart plastic phones we will then begin to

reconnect to reality rather than illusion, and in so doing will be awakening our inner awareness

which will then seep into the consciousness that exists within us, that way we will be heading

in a direction that will lead us into the place where full self knowing dwells.

In part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.

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