Sunday 25 October 2020

Negotiating Our Withdrawal. N O W .

 Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi born in 1879 and died April 1950, who was a master of SELF

KNOWING, was once asked by a devotee this question, Master, how should I treat others? To

which the master replied ,'there are no others'! There exists no other  than the I AM Self which

is eternally present within the ever present NOW. The gateway to now lies in our awareness, as

we go within ourselves we begin to synchronise our perceptions to the ever present eternal now

which then reveals that we are always within the eternal now, we are as much eternal being now

as we will ever be. This dawning comes to us when we begin to see and understand the relative

illusion of time and space. We see that time and space only appear to exist within a relative

framework of reference. Meditation can therefore be seen as a tool for negotiating our

withdrawal from the illusion of time and space, and realising that like our awareness  'we' are all

within the eternal now, and have always been so. Awareness  and consciousness are seen as being

wrapped around an I AM self aware principle of localised consciousness, which we then  identify

as that of being our mind, which can then lead to the illusion of there being "my" mind, and that of

"your" mind, this ignorance seems to suggest that each mind is separate from the other mind, and

is located within a special area we call the brain. The NOW is the expressionless expression of

the eternal, and all expressions within it are basic replications of the Infinite SELF which is ONE

without ANY OTHER. The SELF appearing within the NOW of time and space relativity, can be

seen as that of Spirit (GOD) Eternal Localised Form =SELF We are all GOD LOCALISED within

what appears to be a time restricted localised  form of the NOW, and experiencing or rather seemed

to being experiencing human relative existence .Looking within ourselves with the practise of 

meditation can open an inner doorway to which can reveal our true eternal nature, and this can

therefore aid us in the direction that will help us to negotiating our withdrawal from the illusion

of a seemingly narrow time restricted version of the eternal now, and thereby identifying ourselves

with the eternal self awareness of the ever ubiquitous all encompassing everlasting NOW!

Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks. 

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