Todays blog entitled MODERN is about how the ancient science of meditation will
open up inner doors and enfold the inner wisdom of no-thing.
For thousands of years seeker souls have used this most ancient science of
meditation not only to find their selves, but also to be able to escape the wheel
of karma which imprisons billions of us on this planet, with endless incarnations
looking for a way to experience full self knowing. Not realizing that meditation
is the EXACT SCIENCE that will take an ignorant soul seeker into the realization
of its true immortal divine nature. There are millions of us who are all prisoners
of this planet and the astral realms, never escaping their brooding grasp It is not
until we fully awaken that we can transcend the wheel of life here on Earth, and
the only tried and tested way for thousands of years is that of meditation.
Modern is about each one of us beginning to wake up and realize just who we
really are , when we do that, we are well on our way to opening hose inner doors
that will enfold you with the wisdom of the ancient way of self knowing and
SELF and SOUL Realization.
We all our far more than just a biological machine called a human being, that is only
the FACADE of hiding an inner deeper reality which reveals that of an indwelling
immortal Soul, that resides within the heart chakra of all of humanity.
When we can realize that the physical body is only a VEHICLE a TOOL for the
soul to use while gathering tangible experience here on Earth.
When we can look deeply within us we will therefore change beyond your mortal
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
Thank you