Saturday 21 May 2022


 This blog entitled LIT spells out LOST  IN TRANSIT is about how we incarnate back

into this Earth plane with our conscious awareness of who we were before, wiped 

completely clean, we are born with basically a blank brain a clean slate in which to

etch this incarnation experience. While we are in the astral realm we have full 

knowledge of our previous life  on Earth, and spent our time in the astral doing some 

reflection, thinking about what we have said and done on Earth, were we kind and 

loving?  Or were we selfish and unkind to others. While in the Astral  we reflect on

our previous life , and see and see what we could have done better. We receive help

from those trained by experience to counsel us on our past life journey  to earth, what

were our strong points and weak ones.

When it comes time to reincarnate we fall asleep and then pass over the ""river of 

forgetfulness" which is the mythical river STYX  here we are funnelled down a vortex

of singularity and into the fertilized  egg of your mother to be, you are not completely

unconscious although you will be born with a clean slate, a blank brain, however your

DNA chromosomes  will have memory implanted within this is a process of chemical

bonding, which will release the codes of your journey through experiences here on

Earth. When you reach  your time depending  on what you have been doing and how 

sensitive you are will depend on how much of the DNA sequence will unload and restore

forgotten memories  of past lives etc.

Reincarnation is both automatic and self chosen depending upon yout point of awareness

within the ascension arc of evolution , Below a certain level point reincarnation is 

automatic, and you have zero choice. Beyond that point  you indeed do have a choice

and what's more you can even chose your future parents to be,

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass in onto your family and friends Thanks

1 comment:

  1. Reincarnation does make sense to me although I am not aware of any knowledge of a past life. Thanks Rachel
