Thursday 26 May 2022

Presenting Humanity Opens Energy Nothing INTWINING XENO. P H O E N I X .

 This blog today entitled PHOENIX is about the way humanity is being presented

upon the stage of LIFE upon this planet Earth. The word XENO here means "alien"

"guest" we are all GUEST ALIENS from the Absolute Spirit  world all being presented

via a singularity vortex  into this relative universe, so that we can partake in tangible 

experiences while being embodied within five koshas or sheaths of varying density 

energy levels.

To get here on this planet is no easy task, no mortal mind could fathom a way to 

make an Absolute non-tangible Spirit , into a tangible relative human being , even

the great mind like ENSTEIN  would be baffled by such a task. But Divine Intelligence

does it all the time. Presenting a SPIRIT formless ubiquitous being who is Absolute 

and then taking it out of absoluteness and into a relative state is a mammoth task

that 99.9999999 percent of us are completely unaware of. The Spirit has to become 

condensed down into a low vibration state congealed and compressed from its fluidic

state to that of congealed low vibration  matter energy, then it is placed into a singularity

vortex where it is again super compressed and funnelled out into  a singularity  point

of reference . here you are a sub-atomic point of reference held in the slipstream of the

vortex, here you enter the fertilized egg of your mother to be, here you will grow and be

born as an human baby, the baby like all the 7.7 billion of us will be completely enfolded

with a double torus field of undulating electromagnetic energy and at the heart and crown

chakra centres we are both anchored upon this earth plane, the rotation of the vortex stays

within us in a clockwise rotation until we die then the rotation becomes counter clock wise

and thereby ferries us out of this dimension and into the Astral dimension.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Creating some-thing out of nothing. Seemingly impossible from a human perspective.
