Wednesday 4 November 2020

Manifested Internal Neural Dimension M I N D Part Two.

 We all create our own minds, which grow out of our awareness. A new born baby has no mind

but it has awareness, and from this awareness plus the gathering of experiences, its interactions

with its parents and other family and friends, its memory that is added to daily. This adds up to

like a chemical soup within the brain and the feelings that arise out of awareness. So that by the

age of around two years old these memories, experiences, interactions, begin to coalesce into

the formation of something that grows out of awareness and the rising of the ego which is the

sense of I AM a personality, which it turn brings about terrible tantrums and explosive fits of

anger, this is where the mind is born. The mind is always limited and finite, whereas  awareness

and consciousness are infinite and unlimited. Our minds are always centred around that which we

call ME, our ego centred self, our personality. The mind is always full of thoughts, and these 

thoughts are endless, and cause all manner of feelings to arise because of the thoughts which

have the power to reduce us to cowering wrecks of fear fuelled thoughts, or feeling joyful and

happy, all this is conjured up by thoughts in the mind, and the emotional response that arises within

it. We imagine that we each have a different mind, my mind and your mind, this idea breed the 

illusion of separation and being apart from the whole. The mind fosters up the illusion of "others"

when in truth there is no such a thing in reality as OTHERS, what could you possibly be OTHER

FROM? The universe possibly! The mind which is wrapped around the I AM self aware being

imagines that it is different and apart from all other things, it believes it is an individual and apart

from you and me., When in truth there is no such a thing in existence that is an individual being.

Awareness and consciousness are eternal infinite, the mind is finite and limited to FORM. As

mentioned yesterday in this blog, there are 7.7 billion minds on Earth, but only ONE awareness 

and ONE consciousness, we are all destined to LOSE our MINDS completely and become pure

awareness that has consciousness arising within it. Then we will know bliss and become the 

unconditional love and acceptance that we all are at our SOURCE STATE.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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