Sunday 22 November 2020


 Some day soon science will at last realise that which the ancient wisdom has always known

for thousands of years, science will soon realise that this entire universe is ALIVE, that atoms

are all points of consciousness and are alive, atoms have intelligence and are attracted only to

that which they resonate with, exactly the same as humans do. There are three infinite eternal

absolute immutable principles that oversee all motional displays of energy diversification  within

this infinite universe, and these three principles are that which we call the NOW, AWARENESS,

and LIFE,  three principles that all come from within the SOURCE and then coalesce into ONE

from which they first emerged. All these three principles are absolute, there is no opposite to any

of these, there is no such a thing as being UN-NOW! There is no such a thing as being 

UN-AWARENESS, and there is no such a thing as being UN-ALIVE. There is no opposite to LIFE

Life is by its VERY NATURE ETERNAL, it is a SINGULAR reality, life is transcendent, it is not

associated in any way with that of DUALITY and that of temporality, IT stands ALONE within its

AWESOME Absoluteness. Life has never EXPERIENCED a BEGINNING, nor will it ever

experience an ENDING. When we are in deep sleep we seem to be unaware, but this is an illusion

because in deep sleep the ego or your I AM consciousness is disengaged from your (personal ideas)

and you are then without awareness of the I AM ego, you transcend the temporal and become the

universal being, which you really are, when self ego consciousness is suspended.

Death is an illusion, we see an animal or a human being what we term as dead, and judge the 

vehicle that carried the LIFE ESSENCE as being the real BEING, we seem to fail to recognise

the life principle that overshadows the vehicle that is manifested into physicality for the specific

reason to permit entry into this dimension, so that intangible life can have substance that will

grant it access to this low level of expression.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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