Tuesday 17 November 2020

Science Of Meditation Explored. S O M E .

 Meditation along with alchemy are the most ancient of sciences, and have been practiced for

thousands of years. The two sciences actually go hand in hand together when we realise that

the core teachings of the ancient science of alchemy was about transmuting a base leaden 

being, into an aura brightened being whose radiated a golden glow within their aura. It had

nothing to do with changing lead into gold, this is a fallacy promoted ages ago to deflect 

from the true purpose of awakening a soul into realization of their true nature. This was in 

a time where you could be put to death for witchcraft and not believing in the religious 

teachings at the time. Meditation to often had to be secretly practised, as this could be seen

as devil  practices. Thankfully in these more enlightened times we can openly practice meditation

and yoga without fear. To me meditation is the science of transformation and expansion of awareness

and consciousness, without meditation my life would have been utterly intolerable I owe my life

and sanity to the practice of meditation. Which has kept me sane and content for the past forty six

years that I have been daily meditating. Meditation is a KEY that unlocks the inner workings 

of the self, it unlocks access to that of INTUITION and the word intuition translates as that

of "being taught from within" when we then realise this truth, the next question arises

within us, as to just who is this TEACHER that is teaching me from within?

I discovered long ago, about forty years ago in fact that this inner teacher was at first I saw

this as my higher self, which then begged the question, who and what is this higher self?

This led onto the realisation that I was a soul with a body, and not a body with a soul, there 

is a big difference. The realisation then was that I had accessed through meditation conscious

contact with my immortal divine soul. This was an astounding revelation and one that I am

still in awe of after over forty odd years ago this occurred. Each one of us has this within us

has the ability to make conscious contact with your own inner soul, all you need to do is take

up the practice of meditation open your mind and believe in yourself, then the magic will

begin unfolding within you.

Warmest regards Michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

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