Tuesday 10 November 2020

Principle Of Universal Reflection Sequenced. P O U R S Part Two.

 We as this principle called life are all literally poured through the strainer (prism) of our

self aware consciousness, and then exit into relativity as the illusion  of being a separate

being each within its own vehicle of expression which we then call human beings.

The biggest heresy that mankind have swallowed from ages past and has kept us all

in never ending ignorance, is the illusion of being separate beings, apart from each other

this heresy is the root cause of all our wars and misery for thousands of years. The reality

is that WE are all connected to one another by an invisible electromagnetic umbilical cord

that binds all life into its primal matrix which is LIFE which then translates directly into

the SOURCE which is LIFE ETERNAL. We are all LIFE eternal and connected directly to

the SOURCE being expressed relatively into physical vehicles that are needed for the SOURCE

in order to become tangible and thereby experience relativity in the form of a human being.

The sequence that engages in order for relativity to come online and exit the eternal is called

by us that of evolution, we are all journeying through evolution and gaining experience as we go.

Reflection is born within the minds of humanity, it appears out of awareness and becomes 

localised within a self aware human being, consciousness therefore is awareness reflecting upon

its self through the act of thinking, remembering, experiencing, consciousness is awareness that

is reflecting upon its thinking thoughtful self aware being, which also thinks it is an individual

and thereby different from others, (never ever being aware that there is no such a thing in

existence as "OTHERS!)  Behind all the thinking lies the inner silence the home of pure 

awareness, awareness just is, it is the eternal ever present invisible SOURCE of ALL.

Warmest regards Michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

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