Sunday 1 November 2020

Mankind Is Soul Self-Outworking Universal Truth. M I S S -O U T .

 So that we this entity called mankind do not 'miss-out' of the bigger picture of what we really 

are. We need to look within ourselves for answers, the word mankind is really just a name that

describes the collective embodiment of 7.7 billion souls, who without most of them knowing

this truth. That their physical bodies are no more that vehicles for the real occupier of the body

which is the soul. Humanity is just a name for the collection of vehicles that are used to express

a soul infused life form. Mankind equals a vehicle just like your car you drive to work in, if

you identified yourself as being the car, you would be seen as being mentally unwell and perhaps

needing some medication or mental health treatment. Yet we all seem to identify ourselves as being

the physical body, thinking that this physical  vehicle is who we really are! And we call ourselves sane!

In a reverse order of expression we have the SELF which is infinite absolute and is the SOURCE

of all that is and was within the universe, the ONE without another. Then we have the soul and there

are many of them, and lastly we have 7,7 billion vehicles which we all identify as this thing called

mankind. Mankind is a collective word for vehicles, biological machines that play host to the 

indwelling soul who is incarnated here in order to gain experience, what then does this soul need

experience for? That is a good question indeed ,why would  an infinite being need experience for

if it already knew it was perfect? The answer is that this being the SELF in order to manifest in

the relative duality based world ,has to collapse its infinite consciousness and thereby forget who

it REALLY IS, so that it can enter into a relative universe that has perpetual motion, as from total

motionlessness and absolute state that is its natural abode-less state. The SELF which is the SOURCE

holds this entire universe within ITSELF, this relative universe is 'surrounded by the void of the

ABSOLUTE. The SOURCE cannot enter relativity without being clothed in a vehicle which is

where the soul comes into play, the SOURCE is absolute purity pure SPIRIT, and this purity cannot

encounter matter unclothed,  that is an impossibility, so in order for the SOURCE to enter relativity

and experience dimensional expressions and physical form it cloths itself  within what we term as

a soul, which is made of a very fine etheric sheath that gains density the lower in descends into the

physical realm.

In part two will explore this further,           Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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