Monday 30 November 2020


 How do we ignite the sequence that will align us within the inner flame or fire of the

spirit? All expressed life in enfolded by the inner flame which emanates from the 

SOURCE of all that lives and moves and has its being. The words from an old song come

to mind, "There is a fire down below, down below in my heart", indeed there is a fire within

us all, the living flame of life itself, we can sometimes feel the heat when passion and 

emotion flare up within us, when our faces turn red with anger, this is the living igniting

flame flaring up within us. We direct energy within us, and when our passions are aroused

there is heat generated. Heat come from fire. Because we do not understand what life 

actually is, we fail to connect to this internal flame in a way that reveals our direct 

connection to the source of all life, which is a LIVING FIRE, we all our that living FIRE

wrapped in a blanket of materiality we call a physical body. Emotion and passion are the

connecting rods that align us within the living flame of spirit./life, we we look within 

ourselves we begin to align with the higher energies that reveal the internal flame.

We all our living flames the sparks of life being expressed within three dimensions of

living fire, first we are spirit which is the pure fire and burns with a white flame, then

the second flame is the soul and burns with a golden flame, and third is US the physical

being which burns within an electric blue flame, this equates to the three flames of expressed

motion, within which we all dwell. Within the centre of your chest lies the heart chakra, this

is where we are all anchored within the physical realm, also in the crown chakra area, 

therein lies the flame of life. By engaging your focus of attention inward you will open up

connections that all lead to your higher self, which is the immortal soul, when you begin

the process of igniting this inner flame consciously, this will act as a consuming fire, and

what it will CONSUME is your ignorance of WHOM you really ARE!

Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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