Sunday 8 November 2020

Ideas Of Numinous Seeking. I O N S Part Two.

 The Infinite Absolute Self/Source is all knowing , what then could it be lacking? That is a 

good question, and one that I shall attempt to answer here in this blog. The seemingly 

common assumption is that the SOURCE of all that is was and will ever be, is absolute

perfection and therefore is by the nature that we understand the word perfection to mean is

absolutely perfect and lacking NOTHING. However as this blog will hopefully show that 

this assumption is mistaken and the evidence for this looks at you in the mirror every day.

If we accept as I most certainly do that all expressed life originates from ONE Source and

that we as this thing called humanity are what seems to be at the apex of expressed life on

Earth as we are all SELF AWARE I AM consciousness, we use the prefix I AM to introduce

ourselves to other humans. It can be in no way a coincidence that the story in the Bible of

Moses and the "burning bush" episode, where when Moses asks God whom shall I say sent

me? God replied tell them that I AM sent you. We all use this same prefix daily I AM, does

this not suggest some connection here? The Absolute Infinite Source of ALL that IS WAS and

WILL EVER BE, is in ESSENCE INTANGIBLE, and unable to see, hear, feel, touch, taste,

smell, and all the other things we take for granted, like laughing, or crying, feeling pain,

feeling love. In order for the SOURCE to do any of these things, it has to become 

TANGIBLE, and that's where we all come into the picture. Humanity is at the apex of expressed

life as far as we know in this solar system. Every human being is the SOURCE fragmented in

Fractal terms, each being gathering experiences within its own limited orbit and contributing 

to the whole a bigger picture of collective experiencing. We all our infinite Being (SOURCE)

each undergoing a relative existence and being presented as a human being, to which each one

of us goes about our business collecting experiences, sharing our experiences with our families

and friends, and in so doing growing in awareness and consciousness. This will eventually

culminate in the being starting to look within themselves for answers to the question who am I?

When they finally get the answer to that question, they will know SELF which equals SOURCE!

Warmest  regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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