Wednesday 25 November 2020

Space Is Not Empty. S I N E (WAVE)

 The ancients wrote long ago that "Space was an Entity" , and we all live and move within

this Infinite Entity called space. What then is this entity that we call space? In my 

understanding it is a colourless invisible spiritual Fluid, and we all OCCUPY this fluid

by our expressions "out of this fluid" as physical beings. When not being occupied by a 

star or a planet, this fluid is intangible and invisible, it vibrates at a steady pulsation within

a sine-wave S shaped pattern, this can be likened to a GREAT BREATH, in and out pulsation.

This FLUID is neutral and not affected by the duality based  relative universe, it stands

transcendent unaffected by the polarities of Yin and Yang positive or negative.

We could call this fluid the LIFE-Blood of the Absolute or GOD  for short. But that might

sound somewhat unscientific! 

All expressed life, which means life that has got MOTION as opposed to motionlessness, which

is our unexpressed mode, is condensed out of this FLUID (SPACE) and then becomes an occupier

of ITSELF within a material expression.

Humanity for instance consists of 7.7 billion occupiers  of SPACE which is condensed FLUID 

which is the LIFE LIVING FLUID of INFINITE INTELLGENCE, pulsating through the vehicles

(human bodies)  which MEANS that we all ARE OCCUPIERS of the one SELF from which we

all came from.

This Fluid, this SPACE, which should really be more accurately called FLIUDIC SPACE is an

Infinite OCEAN in which we all swim within. We each condense out of this ocean into an ISLAND

which we call our I AM self aware SELF. This ISLAND (you and me)  is presented within a form

and bursts into the (ILLUSION) of temporality (being born)  and then begins to wake up slowly

over a period of many presentations here on Earth, and eventually reveals our true Fluidic Nature.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this post resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. The term of 'going with the flow' accurately describes the process of
    our inner liquid nature.
