Sunday 15 November 2020


 The great master Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi born 1879 -died April 14th 1950 in 

India, was asked by his devotee this question, " Master, how should I treat others?" To which

the Master replied, THERE ARE NO OTHERS! What then did the master mean by this?

If we all knew the full implications of this realisation, the world as we know it would change

overnight, all wars and conflicts would cease immediately, racism and bigotry would vanish

within a blink of an eye, greed and selfish behaviour  would cease to exist, we would all see 

and know that we were all fully and totally connected to each other, all related to each other

as being all SOURCED from the one SOURCE. We are all fractals (living energy packets) of

the ONE Infinite Absolute BEING. Each one of us is a reflection cast out of the infinite abode

of eternal peace and stillness, born into motion by the intention to explore and motion through

the dimensional levels of expression within the relative universe, and then exit into this level

of being expressed as that of a human being. When we fully comprehend the truth as to what

you actually are, then overnight change would appear. If we fully understand that you as an

individual reality, does not EXIST, it only SEEMS to exist in YOUR MIND, which is finite.

Individuality is an ILLUSION that billions buy into, never questioning the reality that there

is but ONE LIFE FORCE within this universe, ONE LIFE ONLY! Here on Earth we have

7.7 billion life forms, do we not realise that the 7.7 billion will all dissolve back into the ONE

Life force from whence it first CAME! When will we fully realise that the word others is

totally absurd and also totally meaningless/ Question, what could you possibly be "OTHER"

from? Other from life? Other from reality? Other from your neighbour?  We are ALL

connected to each one of us here on Earth, all 7.7 billion soul are connected and 

interconnected with each other in an electromagnetic blanket that spans this entire speck

we call Earth, invisible energy pulsates and undulates around and within each one of us,

there is NOT ONE ATOM of empty space between any one of us here on EARTH, if we 

could see this with our physical eyes, we would fall to our knees and burst into tears at

the radiant beauty and majesty of it all.

In part two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If thos blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.

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