Friday 5 November 2021


 The basic differential between consciousness and awareness is that awareness manifests

or rather is PRESENT in both this relative universe and also within the Absolute stateless

state that transcends this temporal relative universe, while consciousness manifests only 

within relativity, because only within relativity there exists the principle of reflection.

This does not exist within the Absolute realm-less realms where there is NOTHING to

REFLECT UPON, there is only PURE-AWARENESS present there. Consciousness

cannot exist without the reflective principle being operative. 

Take away the reflection and consciousness ceases to be conscious, but then becomes its

other self which is awareness, pure and simple.

Consciousness exists or rather 'seems' to exist for us all in order for us to be able to reflect

on our journey through evolutionary life. Consciousness reflections abilities allow us to learn

from our experiences and interactions between each other, without the ability to reflect we would go

around in endless circles getting nowhere fast.

Consciousness is basically a reflective phenomena, and exists in order for us to learn and grow

It  can be seen as a teacher leading its pupil (you and me) by the hand and teaching us how to

grow and expand our inner knowing, and expand our awareness .

In truth only PURE AWARENESS is real, all else is an illusion, but we need this illusion to

experience tangibility and gain insight into motional embodiment life. 

Pure awareness is Absolute and eternal ,while consciousness enfolds its life charge with the

power of reflection.

CARP is about understanding both principles and also realizing at the same time that in 

absolute truth only ONE PRINCIPLE is PRESENT and that is PURE AWARENESS which

is reflected relativity wise as that of being called consciousness.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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