Monday 1 November 2021


 I thought this blog today would express the current topic around the world concerning 

global warming, and the many global crisis that are arising out of this increase in global

heat, plus the vast amount of damage being done by pollution of the land, sea, and air.

It seems to me that all life on Earth is being slowly suffocated in what I call A B I 

which stands for Asphyxiation-By-INSTALLMENTS. We are all slowly being choked 

to death by the pollution. Some experts  say we have only about twenty five years left,

unless there is drastic and immediate changes in our way of living and dealing with

pollution. I personally think about ten years is all we have left, unless major global

changes are made soon, like tomorrow!

So called third world countries are being used as dumping grounds for the wests toxic

waste, we our exporting it to poorer nations which then pollutes and poisons their land

as well. Lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are on the rise

globally, due to air pollution any other causes due to pollution and chemicals. Our oceans

are totally polluted, and overfished, so much so that many fish are now extinct. Along 

with this disaster  raw sewage is being pumped into our seas, in the UK  this is being 

done on a wide ranging scale, it is a national disgrace, and our beaches are unfit to swim 

in. Our children will have nowhere safe to live, and will slowly suffocate as the Amazon

is reduced to cattle farms and trillions of tress cut down, and all the vast variety of wild

life there exterminated.

Global warming, and global pollution and over fishing which will reduce the oceans to 

sterile polluted dead water. Which will in fact disturb  the very fabric  of human

evolution, future incarnations will become impossible because of this soon to become 

a super toxic wasteland. So instead of being able to come here and experience physical

embodiment, and thereby live tangible lives and gather valuable experiences while being

a physical human, we will be forced to remain within the astral realms, unable to find

complete fulfilment because the Earth is now unsuitable for physical life to be sustained.

This will in effect bring to a halt our evolutionary journey, because without the physical

duality of human life, we will be unable to progress into fully realized spiritual beings

we all totally need the physical aspect of incarnation in order to become fully awake into

the full realization of your inner divine immortal nature. This cannot be achieved by solely

interacting within the astral realm. This coming future could be come a nightmare if we do

not all soon act and change our ways of doing things.

warmest regards michael any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If  this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. There is always room for hope, I hope that I have not painted a too gloomy future for us all. If we act soon as a whole united force, then we can save this planet, and ourselves. I pray this occurs for all our sakes.
