Thursday 11 November 2021


 The great master SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI born 1879-died 1950 in India, was once asked 

by a devotee the question of, "how should I treat others master?" To which the master replied

"There are NO OTHERS"! What then does this truth teach us all? There are 7.7 billion

human beings on this planet Earth , but only ONE LIFE  FORCE is present, not 7.7 

billion LIFE'S! The word LIFE has no plural to it, there is only one life within this entire

universe. So what is it that we see that suggests there are indeed  OTHERS? Other than what?

What we call "others" is in truth a reflection of the ONE WHOLENESS that is LIFE being

expressed. Life being expressed becomes an infinite fractal facets of the ONE energy that 

moves it through space and time. Humanity is basically 7.7 billion fractal facets of the ONE

Life Force. 

We each are just reflections, that are embodied within a physical vehicle . There is only ONE

Absolute Source, which transcends that of life because life is an EXPRESSION a MOVEMENT

of the Eternally still Absolute Singular non-dual reality. BEYOND LIFE (motion) lies Absolute

stillness  and the Eternal Spirit of all that IS was and will ever be. Life in essence is PURE

intelligent Spirit energy.

We that of humanity are all this ESSENCE, covered over by many layers of differing densities

of energy, which reside in different dimensions, the most dense is the physical body, we also

have an etheric body and an astral body,  plus more ethereal coverings, which allow us to

be presented within several dimensions (consciousness levels) simultaneously.

Most of humanity is unaware of these other inner expressions that make up the complete 

picture on just one expressed physical human being, we are mostly only aware of our gross

super dense physical body, unaware of our etheric body or astral body, these other inner 

awareness will come on line within humanity as this current surge of ascension energy sweeps

through the human race.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

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