Friday 12 November 2021


 Faith  mentioned in the Bible. Hebrews 11:1 "now faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen", what does faith mean to you dear reader of this blog? Can 

we have faith in ourselves, and know that we are more than just flesh and bones? What is it

about us that remains unseen? If we "feel as if this helps" which breaks down the word FAITH

into a process of action. 

A way to proceed forward and search for inner knowing. Have we faith that we truly know

ourselves? If the answer is no, then what action can we take to rectify this unknowing-ness?

Faith can arise within us when we least expect it, when we are in a crises  situation, or develop

a life threatening illness. we sometimes hear a still small vice within us, reassuring us with

comforting words that help us calm down and relax  a little. This inner small voice is your 

inner self reaching out to contact you and make itself known to you.

To have complete faith in ourselves we therefore need to know completely who we really are.

In times of crisis this provides an opportunity for our inner self to make its presence known

to us. In many cases this is the only way we can become aware of our true inner nature.

When we are all feeling great and busy with our lives, we fail to look within and see what

is there, we seem mostly focused on looking outward and seldom if ever look inward.

Our higher self  which is our immortal divine soul, will sometimes bring about a crisis 

into our lives, in order to get our attention refocused.

We are all so much more than many of us imagine, faith in ourselves and a willingness to

look within  ourselves will lead us into higher states of awareness and consciousness, 

which will begin delivering the dawning realization of your true immortal identity.

This will thereby reward your implicit faith with the knowledge and wisdom of the real

you, that immortal eternal being that has been hidden from your view  by your ignorance

of your true inner nature., now you have awakened into a higher state of consciousness 

and this brings in its train, a new and wholesome confidence and well being.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks 

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