Monday 22 November 2021


 This blog called CRY is about waking up to the inner realization of the very real need

to fully know and understand ourselves.

Most human beings know themselves as biological bodies and understand a bit about 

being a personality, an individual with certain traits and likes and dislikes, but that is

only a minute part of who you really are.

To consciously realize ourselves we need to take some active steps to do this, I know for

myself that I took up meditation as a way to find out more about who I really was. I soon

discovered that there was so much more within me that I had ever imagined.

One of the first things that came to me intuitively was that I was a SOUL with  a physical

body, and not a physical body with a soul. I realized that the SOUL was primary , and that

the physical body was only a vehicle for the soul to use while gathering experiences here

on earth.

What I basically was looking for in meditation at first was just to find some peace of mind

and perhaps a modicum of serenity, but went onto find so very much more.

I  learned that we were all expressed in a three fold manner, physical, mental, and spiritual

and that so many of us humans are only expressing two dimensions of their three fold 

expression, which is just the physical and mental expression only, and the third dimension

of the spiritual not being consciously activated.

I was certainly just a two dimensional being up to the time I took up meditation and began

to realize the grave error I had been making.

Meditation expands our consciousness and awareness, it opens up inner doors within us

that bring about a basic realization and understanding of how all life is connected and

interconnected, in particularly with us human beings, we are all very much connected to

just one unified universal SOURCE.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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