Thursday 25 November 2021


 There is in place a sequence that permits humanity to REAP  the benefits of gathering

experiences here on Earth, and also to remove them safely at the point of departure (death,

change of venues) back into the astral realm, from whence you came before incarnating here.

This sequence that permits souls to flow down from the astral into the physical realms, and 

then ascend upwards at death(change venues) can be likened to that of a MOBIUS STRIP

a conveyor belt that passages souls from one dimension into another .The complete circuit 

that every souls makes in its journey to full SELF DISCOVERY is in the shape of a figure

eight  a vertical infinity symbol, that flows downwards into incarnation in a clockwise rotation

and this downward flow remains in place until the time of death, then at this point the flow 

reverses to the vertical and a counter clockwise rotation opens up and thereby escorts the 

astral body back into the astral realm, where it will rest up, take stock of its experiences 

there on Earth, meet up with other souls, and then when the urge again arises it will want

to return here again, 

When this moment arrives the soul will fall into a deep slumber and loose all awareness 

when this occurs the soul will then flow across the mythical river STYXX the river of 

forgetfulness, and be rotated back into a new baby FETUS, where it will eventually 

be born with a clean blank slate, to begin gathering more experiences.

The reincarnation sequence is up to a certain point completely automatic aligned with the

law of cause and effect, however when we reach a certain level of evolutional growth and

have become on an ascension arc towards the vertical, we then awaken into the understanding

of having a choice as to when to incarnate and even chose your parents to be. It really depends

on how far you have so far evolved into, and your level of perceptive awareness as to what you

really are in essence.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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