Friday 10 April 2020

Absolute Being Of Dimensional Expressions A B O D E Part Two.

Our Abode at SOURCE is Absolute universal dimensionless BLISS. Absolute stillness and
Wholeness which even transcends the universal unified field of expressed life force. This
ABODE is from where 'we' all came from,and all will return to, provided  'we' wish to do so
that is. The reason I put an apostrophe on the word 'we' and often on the word 'others' is because
in our essence of BEING ,there is no such a thing  as others or are there any 'we' there is but
ONE-Absolute Being, Infinite intelligence,Infinite Life,Infinite Spirit/Consciousness.
It is only in the lower life expressions, where duality and relativity manifest , where we have
male and female which are just positive and negative polarities manifesting in a physical
vehicle here on earth.
We see seven and a half billion 'other people' souls who are all waiting to discover just who
they really are. Ultimately all seven billion of 'us' will dissolve into ONE WHOLE BEING
which is where 'we' all originally came from.
'WE' are all Absolute Being ,having a Relative experience here on Earth, and trying to remember
who we really are! We will spend many life times and have numberless experiences ,sifting our
way through those experiences and starting to put the puzzle together of our true identity.
We have this abode of being in physical form on Earth, but we also need another abode to dwell
in when we die(change venues) kere the Infinite wisdom has provided an abode for each of us
when we die(change venues) called the Astral planes or realms, of which there are seven major
realms of expression,and also forty nine other sub planes, we are each assigned our Astral Abode
by our resonate consciousness signature, which translates as the old adage of "birds of a feather
flock together"!This universal law holds very true in these realms,Only on this Earth plane can
you have two totally opposing forces in the same room , here on Earth you can be in the same
room as a mass murderer, a child sadist, a loving selfless being, an innocent child, all in one room
here on Earth, this cannot occur in the Astral realms, there the law is crystal CLEAR, like attract
like, that is how it is there, we will all fit in there seamlessly, because you will wake up there among
those whom you magnetically resonate with. Then after a reflective time there, we will feel the
need to return and continue our journey of SELF discovery.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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