Thursday 2 April 2020

Ascension Is Mankind's Evolving Destiny A I M E D Part Two.

The sole reason we are all here on planet Earth is to partake upon a journey that will see us
gradually rise up from the animal like man to the human  being then on up to the spiritual
being. Evolution or the more modern word of ascension is basically an upward arc of ascent
which we gradually rise through as we become more self aware and more insightful of our
inner being.
Ascension can be seen as that of alchemy (which is basically the ancient science of awakening)
which has been known about for thousands of years by the ancient wisdom. As we go within ourselves and meditate or practice yoga we begin the process of transformation that leads to
transmutation from being gross and ignorant of our true identity, into becoming more inclusive
and universal in our thinking,
The alchemists of old were not trying to turn base metals into gold,this is a blind and a fairy
story woven by the ancients to keep their secrets safe from idle curiosity. What they were
actually doing was transforming and transmuting themselves into higher stages of consciousness
and perception, the 'lead'was their gross physical body, and the gold was the spiritual body or
higher SELF'SOUL body which radiated a golden hue aura around them,
We all have immense power and energy  within us,provided we choose to use it,if we do not
bother with looking within ourselves and meditating or practising yoga, no worries,we will
still ascend along the path, BUT, at a much slower and longer pace, which will include more
incarnations, that will be needed to balance the equilibrium needed to fully awaken.
If we choose to go within ourselves , our actions coupled with our 'WILL' INTENT have the
power to quicken our journey of ascension and will also give us access to higher levels of
consciousness which will then bring in its train the accompanied assets of wisdom and higher
As always with life, "you pays yer money and you makes your choice" where will your choice
take you dear reader of this blog? I hope and pray your choice takes you to the place of the
'golden dawn' where you will then know exactly who the hell you ARE! Then dear reader when
you know that, and that wonderful day has arisen within you, all I ask in return is for that you
pass this awakening you have just received onto your family and friends, pass it on, is the way
the dawning keeps arising in our brothers and sisters across the land.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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