Wednesday 1 April 2020

Ascension Is Mankind's Evolving Destiny A I M E D .

There is much talk about ascension today many websites are focusing on this one topic,
so much information is being pumped out into the mainstream media.The latest buzz word
is that we are or you are a 'star seed'  and these 'messages' are being given out by those
who profess that they are in communication with either Angels,or beings from other
dimensions, or other planets light years away from Earth. Almost every other week  a new
'channeler ' comes online with a 'new message' from some other off world being or entity
Ascension is the buzz word and these 'beings or angels' are going to inform you how to
ascend safely! We all need to understand that the hyped up word ascension is just another
word which has been used for ages,which is that of 'evolution' which means to ascend
along a path of unfolding expression. Star seeds. are just a buzz word for the older word of
souls seeking their higher expression.
The other word being banded about on the media and websites is this upsurge of those
people calling themselves 'channeler's 'who profess to channel direct messages from both
angels and arch angels, multi-dimensional beings, and those from other planets light years
away from Earth, there is even a few who talk directly and channel both God and Jesus!
The buzz word channeler is just an updated word from the much earlier one which was that
of a medium, this was the word used within spiritualists society  those that gave out messages
from departed loved ones. Now the updated channeler's  are giving us messages from angels,
multi dimensional beings, off world entities from other planets, plus Jesus and God. All these
'beings' are professing to teach you about how to ascend.
The truth here dear readers is much more easily found, and the place to find it is within yourself.
You do not need any messages from some dubious source,you do not need any messages from
anyone whatsoever,including myself.
All I am doing is to suggest that you look for the answer regarding your evolution (ascension)
within yourself.We are all Divine souls, we are all souls with physical bodies, and NOT physical
bodies with souls, our souls are a PRINCIPLE, which means immortal, our physical bodies are
NOT a principle, and therefore it will rot and decay, BUT YOU will SURVIVE and continue
on your journey of discovery.
In part two will continue this further.   warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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