Monday 20 April 2020

Perfection Localised Unveiling Soul P L U S Part Two.

Expressed life,in particular us the human race are all within a continuing field,which could
be seen as that of a 'rise and fall experiencing wave', when the wave falls down into a trough
we are born upon this planet, then the expressing life wave raises up gradually, until the
time of departure (your death,change of venue), then the wave collapses,and you ascend into
the astral plane.We each experience countless incarnations here,up into astral life, then down
into physical life,a continuing life wave,that we have all been experiencing for countless
generations, why are we all on this apparent merry-go round? Is there any purpose to all this?
The main and only SOLE purpose for being here is for us to fully and totally REALISE 
the reality and eternal truth of who and what YOU ARE which is a divine immortal SOUL.
That is why we spend thousands of years up and down into physical life then back to the
astral life,it would seem that we are very slow learners of our immortal identity.
As long as we remain fixed on looking outward for the answer to life's riddle, we will remain
hopelessly lost,and be always being caught up in endless eddies, where we swirl around
getting no where fast.
How many of us have been in these eddies,forever going round in circles, to break out of the
grip of these life sucking out twisters, we need to look within our selves, because within us all
lies the answer to all your plaintive prayers,hope and direction lie within us all. Because we are
unaware of the infinite potentiality that lies within our divine matrix the soul, we instead can
feel helpless and sometimes,totally alone. Many of us can feel like the 'legion of the lost' filled
with fears and doubts about what our capabilities really are,and not realising that within YOU
lies access to infinite power and awareness,that wisdom and expanded consciousness is lying
there within you,awaiting the opportunity to become activated by your awakening inner resolve.
We are all perfection personified within a physical vehicle,our eternal divinity which is
everywhere in the universe in its essence,becomes localised and compressed within your I
AM self aware consciousness, a point of self awareness held in coherence by the will of your
higher self the soul, all you need to do,is to look within yourself and ask yourself the question
Who AM "I" really? be persistent in your asking,and the answer will present itself to YOU.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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