Sunday 26 April 2020

Matter Is Spirit And Knowledge Enfolds Numen. M I S T A K E N part Two.

The word NUMEN comes from the Latin meaning that of, 'Divinity'or Divine presence' Divine
will' any even a 'nod of the head',all those descriptions including the nod of the head,apply
directly to every human being on this planet without one single exception.
Our physical bodies,which are really just very wonderful biological machines that have
been designed by infinite intelligence to house ITSELF into this biological machine and
use it as a vehicle,to engage in experiencing being presented and confined within a matter
based flesh and blood body. These experiences are what you dear reader have been EXPERIENCING all YOUR life! All the seven and a half billion human experiencer's
which are on this planet are all basically divine spirit  enfolded within a dense matter based
vehicle,and all living their lives upon this planet mostly completely unaware  of their
immortal divine heritage. Ignorance runs deep in the valley of shadows, and many of
us will ever realise our divine heritage within this incarnation.There is no need to fret or even
be concerned about this though, as we will all have many many more incarnations plenty
of time to begin awakening.We are though very fortunate to be in an age where there is so
much information on the internet,Gaia channel full of wonderful information about eternal
life and the reality of the immortal divine soul, the facts are all laid out for us dear readers of
this blog, the tools exist there ,all you got to do is pick up the tool,and open that internal door
of your inner self, and therein you will find that YOU reading this NOW are a divine immortal
soul, you will then further REALISE that death is an ILLUSION, DIVINITY is IMMORTAL
which means quite simply that death does not EXIST, it is a malicious lie, that has been
spawned by ignorance of what REALITY actually IS! The human body,which is just a
vehicle for the indwelling soul to use,does of course cease to function,which we then call death
the physical body rots and decays and is returned to the EARTH from whence it CAME, But
the most important thing to be very MINDFUL OF, is that YOU who are the immortal soul
are NOT  that PHYSICAL BODY,and never have been in truth,it is only our ignorance and
therefore misplaced identification that has lead to believe this fiction. MISTAKEN means that
we have all wrongly identified ourselves as just being a physical being, now we know that we are
far far more than that.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail,com any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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