Friday 24 April 2020

Rotated Inner Vortex Expressing Reality Spiritually. R I V E R S Part Two.

'WE' have all been flowing in the infinite river of Expressed Life for a timeless time that
at present seems beyond our comprehension. Expressed life basically means that it has Motion
and therefore anything that is in motion in by definition that of being relative,whereas life
that is motionlessness  is therefore Absolute infinite and eternal, as we all our when we
eventually become STILL?
We who have attained the level of self awareness, our I AM that I  AM ness, are awakening
into the gradual realisation of out true and lasting identity, this journey has involved thousands
of incarnations here on the Earth plane,just to get us to the point of inner awareness, as
opposed to outer awareness, which of course all other animal life does all the time,and cannot
do any other listening? But we can if we so choose,the choice is always ours, look outward
incessantly  and remain ignorant of your true inner SELF the soul, or look within yourself and
discover just who you really ARE!
We pays our money and makes our choice,what will yours be dear reader of this blog? Within
the flow of life's eternal river, we flow up and down at regular intervals, we flow down into
physical incarnation,live that life as a human for as long as is deemed necessary by the
indwelling soul, then you exit your vehicle die(change venues) and then ascend into the
Astral dimension,and there you will stay,until such time as you will feel a magnetic pull
within your astral vehicle that will draw you back into an Earthly incarnation, where you
will then loose consciousness upon the astral plane,cross over the mythical river STYX
which is the river of forgetfulness, and then be carried Earthwards by a rotating fast
swilling vortex flowing downwards (lowering vibrations frequency) into the vecinity
where you are about to be conceived, and at the very moment the sperm enters into the
egg of the female there occurs an quickening energy life force as the two parts of the male
and female join in union,a third force enters making a three fold trinity connection and therein
you are into the expressed river and into another womb that will deliver you into a further
opportunity to reveal the true and eternal nature of who and what you truly are.
Which of course is a divine immortal SOUL
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader,please pass it on to your friends and family Thanks.

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