Wednesday 8 April 2020

Void Is Space Transfiguring All. V I S T A Part Two.

Quantum physics informs us that we literally blink in and out of existence 1044 times per
second, which means that you are not actually present on this Earth 522 times per second
instead you are a 'universal presence' it happens so fast that we are completely unaware
of this blinking in and out of existence.
I mentioned yesterday regarding the double torus field that presents us here on Earth, that we
are secreted out of a singularity point of reference,super condensed  within a vortex spun at
such rapidity that we condensed into a singularity point, and exited into this dimension at
the point where the two torus fields meet, where the spin is one down,and one up.
Another aspect of this presentation of the life force, is that the term 'black hole' when used
usually refers to a phenomena that is occurring light years away  from this Earth, certainly
not ever occurring in our solar system.
But this idea of a black hole being far far away is basically untrue,in fact they appear in there
billions right here on Earth,and that point which is referred to by science as the 'event horizon'
where nothing can ever escape from is also not entirely accurate, because we as human beings
are 'all presented' as the EVENT from the horizon, which occurs within the double toroidal
field. The event horizon is US that of humanity, we are all frozen within the event horizon
of our super-compressed LIFE-ENERGY state,we have become super compressed so that
it solidifies as flesh and bone.
We are literally 'held' within this point of singularity ,which is basically SPIRIT  becoming
super compressed and condensing out of the liquid light phase and into physical matter.
Put simply, we are the 'event' within the singularity horizon and remain fixed within that
toroidal field until we decide to move on and then the field collapses, which basically means
that we move onto another field of reference, and then continue expressing ourselves as before
but in another dimension.
From the void of space we enter this place,and become what's known as the human race!!We
are the transfiguring transformers of expressed life.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

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