Tuesday 28 April 2020

Soul Internal Listens Energy Negotiates Conscious Expansion. S I L E N C E Part Two.

Within us all lies the silence,forever brooding on the time when it will get some attention?
The whole of expressed nature operates within the silent inner womb  of expression,all
expressed life moves within an internal silence,except for mankind that is,why is that!
Well it could well be that we all have an added ingredient that the rest of expressed nature
does not yet posses that of our I AM self aware level of consciousness,and further this self
aware consciousness enables us to do what other life seems not to do,and that is the faculty
of thinking. It would then be the case that inner thinking taken to excess,would lead to the
complete cancellation of any inner silence. Thoughts and thinking can be and are a wonderful
boon on us all, as long as we are in complete control of this faculty, and can switch it on and
off at will,but how many of us can actually do that? How many of us are masters and captains
of ourselves? Who among us is in complete control of who what and where I think? Are we
often slaves to repetitive thinking and thoughts,and unable to switch them off? Is it us of our
thoughts who run our lives? I spent many years enslaved by rapid thoughts that would drive
me to complete despair, thoughts that race through the brain like a machine gun,firing non
stop all day long,it was only when I was able to see into this madness that the opportunity
to take action presented itself in the form of meditation. Meditation saved my sanity from
being totally dissolved into utter despair and death, and opened up to a total stranger in my
life, this handsome stranger came in the form of internal silence and inner peace.
Without a degree of inner silence we will all eventually suffer from its absence in our life
we all hear things 24/7 but how much time do we spend actually listening? Paying attention
to our inner needs, and silence is one of the most important NEEDS that we all require in order
to remain healthy and well balanced. We are ALL immortal souls,engaging in a relative
incarnation upon this planet and moving through our expression (physical body) gathering
experiences that will ultimately culminate in your awakening to the realisation of just who and
what you really are.And one way of assisting you to open that inner door within you, is to seek
out the silence that eagerly awaits you presence within you.What have you got to lose?
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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