Sunday 19 April 2020

Perfection Localised Unveiling Soul P L U S

What is perfection? Does anybody know? An ancient maxim states,'that truth is hidden in
plain sight,and we see it not'! What is it then that we all fail to see? The connectivity of all
visible and invisible expressed life universally,total and Absolute connectivity with
Absolutely ALL THAT EXISTS. Another word for perfection is wholeness-complete
with absolutely NOTHING MISSING! If anything was missing from mankind it would
not and could not exist.Every human being is perfect whole,otherwise they would vanish
from the face of the Earth in a micro-second, there is NOTHING that could be added to
mankind or taken away from mankind,because mankind is wholly whole and complete.
So wherein lies the problems that we all encounter? The problem mankind encounters is
simply his or hers ignorance of what they have within themselves, lack of knowing WHO
and WHAT they really ARE.. Countless billions of us have swallowed hook line and
sinker the total lie and falsehood about their true identity of being divine immortal souls
instead countless millions of us believe the cruel lie, that they are the physical body,and
when that dies, YOU are terminated extinguished from reality, unless of course some religion
will made a safe haven for you,if you TOE the party line that is!
The reality is very simple,you have no need to believe anything at all NOTHING,because the
process of life is automatic, when you vacate your vehicle,you automatically are transferred
into the astral plane, whether you believe in life after death, whether you believe you will be
destroyed in some fictitious place called oblivion,whether you are a rampant atheist , it is
utterly and totally irrelevant what you think or don't think, the law of life and its expression
in shape and form operates automatically and has done for an eternity.
We are all perfect and we know it not because of our lack of real understanding of just who
and what YOU dear reader of this blog really are.Perfection localised within a physical vehicle
which then will UNVEIL the SOUL that lies within your consciousness and unused perceptions
we have only to look within ourselves and reveal this truth to ourselves,wholeness and perfection
are your divine birthright, lying within YOU awaiting your discovery by opening the inner door
within yourself.We need PLUS understanding,and MINUS our ignorance.
In part two will explore this further,    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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