Friday 17 April 2020

Enfolding Velleity Intricate Law. E V I L

The word evil is the exact opposite of the word Live, in its very basic element this means that
the word evil equates exactly with contraction, and that to live equates exactly to expansion.
To try and understand what the term evil really means,we also need to understand the law
which is universal and absolute. The universal law of cause and effect,which states that every
cause will produce an effect,the law of Karma is the same thing,So then what is evil? Evil is
basically an inversion on the natural law,which when you are aligned to it, you expand within
the embrace of unfolding life upon the arc of ascension which equates exactly with that of
expansion. Evil on the other hand is the exact opposite of this positive sequence of expansion
and therefore the energy moving through this sequence is an opposing energy which equates to
contraction,which means that evil is a violation of natural law,and there the consequences of
the acts of evil,whether intentional or not,are that of a slow 'strangulation of the life force'
which is expressed as contraction and compression of vitality.
The reality to understand here is that there exists NO JUDGEMENT whatsoever in this
universe on mankind and his actions, and here I am referring directly to natural Universal law
and NOT to MAN MADE laws,where we are indeed judged by judges in a court of law,and we
also because of our ignorance of universal law,we often judge our neighbours and friends.
There is only ONE JUDGE in existence, and that one judge is the MAN himself, in other
words we all judge ourselves, and believe me there is no other judge ALIVE as totally thorough
as a human being that has full and unbridled access to his or her CONSCIENCE!
Our conscience have been rightly called by many as our inner Divine Monitor. when we are
aligned very sensitively to our conscience it then warns us if our thoughts,actions, or deeds are
contrary to natural law, and therefore we are able to cease that direction if we are wise.The other
thing we need to understand is this idea of punishment for our (sins) that word SIN means very
simply that of SPIRIT IS NEGATED =SIN and that means literally to GO OPPOSITE to LIFE
which equals expansion.The other thing we need to understand is that no BEING is EVER
impacted (punished) for WHAT-THEY DO, but the reality is you are impacted BY what you do!
There is no GOD or any other thing in existence that DISHES out any punishments IMPACTS
upon man,we alone are our own judge,jury, and executioner!
In part two will go more into this,     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.
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