Wednesday 14 June 2017

We Mistakenly Use The Word Self With Grave Consequences For Mankind.

99.999% of humanity have absolutely zero experience of what the SELF actually is, and yet we all
use the word, (in ignorant error) as a prefix to words like, self awareness, self consciousness, when
more accurately we need to say things like, personality awareness, and ego consciousness, or just
mindfulness, or mindfully aware. None of us have EVER been SELF aware or conscious.
Only a handful of SELF REALISED masters have ever attained that high estate.
Because we are all grossly ignorant of our true identity, we mistakenly use words that fail to
accurately give a true account of our state of being-ness. Thereby we form conclusions that are also
in error of the presenting form before us.
You have never been self conscious in your life, what you have been is very personality conscious,
or ego conscious, when we feel embarrassed ,or think others are looking at us, and maybe we might
blush, and feel awkward, this is NOT SELF CONSCIOUSNESS, rather it is much more accurately
called person-consciousness, or ego-centric consciousness, or shy-feeling acute mindfulness, but
absolutely nothing to do with the SELF.
What we call SELF followed by the word awareness, or consciousness, we are really using the three
aspects which I call the unholy trinity, that of ego, personality, and mind, these three words are what
we need to use rather than the prefix of SELF.
If we actually looked very carefully at those three words, ego, personality, and mind, went within
ourselves, and through the practice of meditation, see what these words actually mean in reality?
Ask your person  who am I that witnesses me? Am I wholly the ego, if not how much of me is ego?
And finally ask who is this being that witnesses you thinking in your mind? Who is the YOUR that
apparently has a mind? When you have fully answered those questions, you will indeed be on your way to finding out within you, just who is it that lives and resides within your heart chakra.
May this realization become your own.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome,face book soul realization.

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