Wednesday 21 June 2017

Constructs Of Personality Expressed. C.O.P.E. Part Two.

In meditation deep, where there is absolute silence and a totally thoughtless state is held steady,
within that state of complete thoughtlessness, and perfect stillness within, in that state held in
equilibrium, there exists, no mind, no ego, and no personality. all that exists is awareness of
being, and awareness is NOT MIND.
Unfortunately however we cannot maintain this glorious state for very long, and as we leave this state
of deep meditation, the restless trinity of mind,ego, and personality, reassert themselves very quickly.
However though, once we have stepped over the line, and experienced the experience of deep
meditation where all thoughts fall to zero point, and we are able to hold that thoughtless state, we
then begin to see very clearly that this unholy trinity of mind, ego, and personality, are really just
constructs of our living experiences from day one, coupled with our memories as well, adding to the mixture of our expression.
When we have experienced the experience of deep meditation, we are then able to begin the detaching procedure in which we see these imposters for what we are , we have created them, so
we can learn to use them in more constructive ways, we learn how to deflate the ego, so that it
becomes more balanced, we see the personality as it really is, just a mask, persona, from the  Latin
to mask or cover ,so  we can then be more of ourselves, without a mask. And the mind is really an
extension of the ego, the ego wants something, and the mind goes and gets it.
Most of us are slaves to the unholy trinity within us, that of mind, ego, and personality, but it need not be that way, if we are prepared to get of our ass,and actually decide to do something about it, then
we can start taking back control of our lives, rather than being subservient slaves to the whims of the
unholy trinity within us.
Consciousness is not mind, consciousness is energy, and life force, it is not mind. The mind is an
emanation of the brain, which is a biological computer, and is electrically and electro magnetically
connected to the etheric aspects of our etheric body, which surrounds the physical body in a blue flame, or light. MIND could stand for Matters-inner-notional-data=MIND?
I have outlined the basics of this idea of COPE, in part three I will attempt to marry it together
into a composite whole, that we can use to become free whole beings.
may the dawn break soon within you all, regards Michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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