Saturday 24 June 2017

Distance Is An Absurdity When Our Life Energy Lives Within Part Three.

We are life, that is the first thing that we our, the primal principle of what we are is LIFE first
human being second. We are the very embodiment of the life force, we need to fully understand
what this actually means, the first thing to understand is that the life force that animates our physical
body, is not human! What the thing called HUMAN is, a vehicle of expression (the physical body)
the human being, is just a physical body labelled as a thing called a HUMAN, this body is animated
and "enlivened" by the life principle, that is what we truly are LIFE?
Plants and animals are not humans, but they are all living because their little bodies are animated by
the same life principle that animates us.
We could truly say we are the life energy ,the  life principle, having a human experience within
a physical body upon the Earth plane, gathering experience as we move through the experience.
In order to gain the attention of the life principle that animates us all ,we  need to shift our gaze
from forever looking outward, to focussing within ourselves.
We need to understand that this life force that gives us consciousness and awareness is supremely
intelligent, it is universally conscious, locally conscious, and fully bodily conscious, far more than
we could possibly ever imagine. In addition to all this it is also your very own personal GURU,
the master that lives within us, and is life, the very life of life, this life force within you, is actually
YOU, yet we know it not, and we imagine that we are apart from what is fundamentally real, there
is no distance between you and the life force! You are one in the same, both occupying the same space, but because you have been falsely taught to look without yourself, you have failed to make the
connection that lies within you. We each have our own master ,or  guru within us, there is absolutely
no need to look anywhere  outside of yourself, just look within you, ask the life force for its help, and
if you believe then it will happen. There are millions of lost and lonely souls within this world, crying
themselves to sleep at night, lonely and friendless, cold and isolated, barren and bereft , if only they
knew that a loving friend, was there right within them, a friend that loved and accepted them unconditionally, what a wondrous  difference that would immediately make to their life. i just hope and pray that this blog can help just one lonely soul, to look within themselves and find that loving
friend who dwells there, and is called the life force, or energy, and is also boundless LOVE.
May this realization dawn within you, regards Michael, all comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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