Monday 12 June 2017

Two trinities Exist Within Man One Unholy One Holy Part Two.

In the first part of this blog on trinities unholy and holy, i mentioned much and laid out the construction of the unholy trinity, and mentioned how we all are co-creators of our ego's mind,
and lastly our personality, and that this construction was the cause of all the wars, famines,
pollution, that of runaway rampant selfishness, greed, and the lust for power, at any cost!
i now want to come to the holy trinity that exists within us, that the vast majority of the human
race know absolutely nothing about, and are completely ignorant of.
The first two aspects of this holy trinity reside within the heart chakra, the innermost and most sacred part is the SELF, (the Divine spark of pure SPIRIT) then there is what is more commonly
recognised (by name only mostly) as the SOUL, The soul is the vehicle or bodily representation
of the SELF, and the third aspect of this holy trinity resides within the crown chakra at the top
of the head, and is called, SELF, aware consciousness,  a vertical line from heart to head
connection, where consciousness can descend into the SELF, and SELF can ascend into the crown
chakra, making a two way twin connection.
We all make the mistake of saying that we are self conscious, implying that our seat of consciousness
resides within the holy self, when in fact it firmly resides within the ego, mind, and personality none
of us are ever actually SELF CONSCIOUS, just ego conscious.
What i have just laid out about our true nature, is just that ,it is who we really are! Try please and
see just what that actually means to you! Think it over dear reader, yes YOU reading this now!
Have you taken on board what has been shared here? You reading this now, are a DIVINE being,
you have that DIVINE spark within you, all  seven billion human beings on this planet are equally
DIVINE, and all have divine heritage and birth-right. Because of mammoth ignorance of our true
identity , all the nasty, and wicked things are done on Earth, because we are filled up and blinded
by the bullshit  dished up by the gigantic EGO'S that swagger around this planet filled with lustful
power grabbing frenzied activities, and we are all caught up among this madhouse ,filled  to the brim
with our own selfish  natures, and complete ignorance of just who and what we really are.
In part three i will endeavour to draw a path that will leas us away from the unholy trinity and show a direction we can take that will open up access to the holy trinity within the heart chakra.
May this realization become your own, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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