Wednesday 7 June 2017

Conscience; To Thy Own Self Be True.

Are we always true to ourselves? Do we always listen to our conscience?  Many of us i would venture to say, ignore that still small voice within us, i certainly did for many years, and the result
was that i was in a multitude of mini crisis culminating after many years of  being given just three months to live! i had many opportunities along the way to stop what i was doing, but i chose to
ignore them all, because i felt that I knew better than my conscience, that still small voice that we
all have got within us.
To Thy  own self be true, is an old adage, that many in this modern world of instant gratification
and the advertisers assuming we all have a five second attention span, so we get flashing screens
changing every five seconds to make sure you are not getting bored with their product! Perhaps
i should have flashing changing lights on my blog, that way many more will read it!!!!
With our attention always firmly fixed of looking without, since birth we have actively been
encouraged to look outside of ourselves, never, God forbid, to look within our self.
So it begs the question, how in the name of truth can we be true to our own self, when we never
ever look in that direction? The answer is very simple, you cannot!
The vast majority of us do not even know what the self actually is! The majority will confuse it with
their personality, which it is definitely NOT! Our personality is a construct of the ego, and bolstered
up by its cohort that thing called mind! Both mind and ego are constructs learned behaviour from birth, a collection of memories, all things that you have seen. heard, touched, and tasted, and of course be told by your parents, family, and friends,  all these experiences that you have experienced
make the sum total of what you are today, and give shape as to the nature of your ego, and mind.
Before you can be true to your self, you need to understand correctly just what the self actually IS
The self is that part of us that is are direct connection to Divinity, and it lies within the heart chakra
which is within us but not in the physical it is an etheric energy centre that lies within your heart chakra, it is from this centre that the more familiar still small voice emanates from, it is also the
voice of your conscience, that will give you a prod at times, and maybe suggest another line of action
that the one you had intended.
The self, is often  called to a more familiar name that of the soul, or higher self.
If we look within ourselves, pay attention to what we find, we will naturally align ourselves to be
in tune with our inner energies, which in turn switch on our inner monitor, that still small voice within us, and by listening to the whispers it tells us, we can in all truth become true to our inner
self,  and thereby live a more healthy and harmonies life.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, face book page soul realization.

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