Thursday 29 June 2017

Actually-Meditation-Expresses-Numinosity. =A.M.E.N..

Amen to that, we are human beings on the outside, spiritual beings on the inside, the sad fact of this
though, is that millions live their entire life never once realizing this inner reality that dwells there.
In a very small way, I hope these blogs will help rectify this grave state of ignorance. No one is to
be blamed, our whole education system is completely unaware of the basic reality of what human
beings actually are! Instead they fill your head with all sorts of dry and boring facts, that after you
have completed your exams, you will promptly forget. We are completely assailed on all fronts from
birth to look forever outward for the answers to life' questions, now days, if you got a question you
just ask Google! All of us though will eventually realize that there is no real lasting answer to the big
questions that confront us from time to time. Usually when we are confronted by a major crisis, or
have a life threatening illness, we instinctively start to look within us, prompted mostly by fear and
a sense of desperation, what will become of me? You ask, what if I die? Will that be the end of me?
All these questions only usually arise when we are in trouble, it seems that if we are sailing along
in our life fairly content, we will never take the trouble to look within us. Because of our gross
ignorance of our real identity and total fascination for everything out there, we remain always
outwardly focussed. The good news is that there are now very many who without having an
intervening crisis befall them, have actually taken the initiative and are getting involved in
meditational practices, this is wonderful news, and brings hope for humanity.
This blog is for all you others who have not yet taken that initiative and hope that I can change your
minds, so that you too will join the growing numbers who have taken up meditation and are
beginning to find out their true identity.
Think about this for a moment, those of you who say keep pedigree dogs, or horses, make sure that you check on their background, who were their parents, were they totally pure bred? Think of the
trouble you take to check all their references, their background etc, then turn your gaze upon
yourself, do you know where you came from? What is your pedigree? Who are you exactly?
These basic and fundamental questions, will completely stop you in your tracks, the reality is that
you just do not know who you really are, period ! You know all about your pets, but absolutely
nothing about yourself! In part two this will be made clear who you really are.
warmest regards Michael, comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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