Friday 16 June 2017

The Seven Concerns Of Mankind Five Known Two unknown. Part two.

In the previous blog on man's concerns i outlined the five major concerns, and then briefly
mentioned the other two, that the majority of us are completely unaware of, that of the soul
and the self.
The great un-ease that resides within mankind is out of ignorance of our true nature, and because of that  fact, we are also out of alignment with natures evolving principle  of unity in all aspects.
Most of us are familiar with the unease of the emotional, physical, egotistical, mental, and personality
issues that arise within us all at times.
The hardest thing i can see now, is a way of resolving the issues that arise out of our complete lack
of awareness and understanding of the human beings true nature. Because of our complete ignorance
of who we really are, we are all totally out of alignment with natural universal law.
We need to fully comprehend and understanding that ignorance of the law, will NOT EXCUSE YOU
from its consequences, far from it we all suffer every day through this. Its akin to not understanding
gravity and then walking of the edge of a cliff face, and being surprised as you plunge to your death!
What are we to do? Our education facilities do not teach the real nature on man, science is basically
ignorant about our true nature too. Our parents God bless them, did the best they could, but they were
ignorant of true self too.
We have two principles that reside within us, our physical bodies are NOT principles and will rot
when we die. The two principles within us however because they are principles. which means they
are eternal natural laws, and are Divine by nature will never witness the illusion called death, change
is a more accurate description of that process.
These two principles that actually reside within all seven billion or so humans upon this Earth plane
are called the soul and the self,  the soul faces outward, and the self faces inward. The soul is the
vehicle (cloth) of the self. and the human body is the vehicle of the soul. Because of the vast amount
of ignorance of these two fundamentally important principles that are within us, we through our
complete state of un-knowingness, unknowingly invite all manner of dis-ease and pain into our
lives. That why we have had two world wars, that's why the planet is crumbling under our abuse
of its resources, that why addictions, and addictive behaviours, destroy millions, every year,that's
why there is a great gaping chasm within mankind, a hole that cannot be filled, no matter how you try. We are only running on five vectors or cylinders, and because there are two missing, we suffer
endlessly, and it is getting much more in your face.
In part three, there will be offered a solution, if you choose to take it.
warmest regards Michael, comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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