Sunday 11 June 2017

My Name Is Legion For We Are Many Mark 5:9 Luke 8:30.

The demons that exist within mankind are all of our own making, and are basically and fundamentally the result of total gross ignorance of who we really are, and total lack of any awareness of our Divine and spiritual birth right.
The result of this ignorance of our true heritage, is the sole and only reason we are plagued by
the legion of demons today, and their true name is total selfishness to the point of insanity!
There will be wars and rumors of wars in the end time, that what it says in one book of life
at the bottom of all these wars lies two basic demons, greed and power, we do not need any
Hollywood style bullshit of supernatural demons, the demons that are destroying this planet
live solely within us, and manifest themselves in greed, lust, power hungry, murder and mayhem
plus all the various other manifestations of pure selfishness and the culture of ME ISM.
We all need to accept that the legion that are many in number, live within us all and are called
self centred ness to the point of insanity. What then are we going to do about it? If anything!
If we all knew exactly who we are, and realized with that understanding of how we are all related
by the same Divine birth-right then none of this what is happening today, could possibly exist!
And the reason it could possibly not exist is because we would be awake, we would be in tune
with each other, and the power of unconditional love would become manifest within each of our hearts, so things like wars and greed could not exist within that reality of real self understanding.
When i was a much younger man and living in a totally messed up and sick state, i was described
by a tough  Scottish man as a defect looking for a character,  how right he was, that man saved my life ,through  him i took up meditation and saw the selfishness within me, and thereby saw it in others
as well. That was over forty years ago now ,what  i am sharing here is experience, not theories, but
actual living experience, i have confronted my demons and continue to do so, as one has to always
be vigilant as the demon of selfishness is always waiting to occupy you again. In meditation i discovered the Divinity that lies within our heart chakra, our connection to Divinity  lies there
that is where your true SELF awaits your discovery, i have found this Divine centre and it is
part of my ongoing experience, you too can find this inner Divine centre within you, just go within
and practice meditation, keep on doing it, it took me a few years before i made actual contact with
the soul, but along the way preceding that many glimpses of the wonders to come presented them
selves to me.
In part three ,i will lay out exactly what is needed ,to  find your true SELF.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome. face book soul realization.

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